Archive for February 2015

My Cat, She Has No Weekend Plans

My cat, she has no weekend plans
Each day begins as new
It starts whenever she awakes
It ends when she is through
She rises when she hears my sounds
She has but one suggestion
Feed me now, she cries aloud
Supply me my ingestion
Incessantly she pleads her case
As if it needed pleading
The same refrain throughout the day
"I think it's time for feeding"
She's never grateful or annoyed
A flare up quickly settles
She holds no grudge or looks that judge
She bothers not to meddle
The opportunity to be
A cat within the rat race
Would make her yawn, she'd just as soon
Scratch the nearest scratch place
My cat, she has no Facebook page
She hangs with who's around her
She naps or not or wakes or walks
Wherever she has found her
I make my plans for future days
She only makes a meow
Insisting in this moment
That I feed her and be here now